Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Mini Marketing Summit

Loading Bar, Brighton Seafront

Mini Marketing Summit graphic

Last week, during Develop conference, we invited the brightest, most experienced minds in indie games marketing all into one room, and asked: how do indie games get discovered?

With over 100 attendees seeking answers from our expert speakers and panelists, it was a ruckus. An absolute blast!

If you weren't there, luckily we took some video. Here's what you missed! 👇


20 mins

Understanding Steam

Chris Zukowski (Adventure Mountain)

Game marketing and Steam discoverability expert Chris Zukowski of howtomarketagame.com brought us the latest insights on Valve's monster marketplace.

20 mins

Indie Game Trailers

Suzanne Wallace (IndieBard)

Indie trailer maker, Suzanne of IndieBard, shared tips for working with your trailer editor to make the most impact for your indie game.

40 mins

Indie Game Marketing Agency Panel

Thomas Reisenegger (Future Friends), Ruby Adams (Disobey), Lou Jones (YRS TRULY), Lauren Moses (Neonhive)

Unique insights from the teams with perspective. This panel has collectively worked on hundreds of games marketing projects, which meant plenty of insights and learnings were shared!

20 mins

The Art Of Collaboration: Learning From Content Creators

Joshua Brown (FuturLab)

An exploration of the PowerWash Simulator community & social strategies for success.

Huge thanks!

A massive thank you to our speakers and panelists who imparted their hard-earned wisdom upon us – be sure to follow them on their socials in the linked videos for more insights!

Another huge thank you to our support team, Imogen and Andrea, for checking everyone in and ensuring everyone had a warm welcome – and a free drink!

Thanks to Dan for helping sort the PA system on the day, to Nick for loaning the portable mic for the video recording, and to the Loading Bar staff who we shared the space and tasty food with!

And finally a thank you to YOU, for sharing your time with us! 💜

Please take a peek at our indie marketing tools below – and let's do this again next year?

— Ashley & Dan

Presented By

Your all-in-one indie game marketing toolkit! Influencer monitoring, coverage analytics, press kits, and bonus Steam analysis tools to grow your games business — for indie devs, publishers, and PR professionals!

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