View Full Changelog Export CSV Data

27th January 2022

Export CSV Data

The first update of the year is here. It's a customer feature request, and one that we 100% agree with.

So many platforms in our industry put a paywall between their users and their users' data. We don't blame them – they have to make their VC-money back somehow! We, however, don't believe in that. Indie devs should be able to have control over their data, and their approach to solving problems – and not be locked into platforms completely unnecessarily.

With that, we're very happy to announce: CSV EXPORT!

This allows you - our customers - to pull your data into other tools you might have for analysis and reporting, and do as you please with regard to your process. If you think there's something we can be doing to improve on our reporting tools, please get in touch and we'll be very happy to get stuck in.


- Ashley